Clarity First

Have you ever set a goal and then not really saw it through. Even though it seemed really important to you at the time. Then you’re beating yourself up wondering why the hell you can’t stick to anything. Well, you’re not the only one we promise. So whatever it is you want to achieve in life, here’s where we recommend you start…

January is the most popular time of year for setting new goals, making new promises to ourselves and committing that THIS is going to be the year we finally get in shape, set up our own business, go on the dream holiday...insert as is appropriate for you! You know what we mean though...there are some goals that you set year after year but never quite see through.  Or maybe you set off strong but after a few weeks or months, you are too busy / don’t have the money / put it on hold for a month...then before you know it, it’s something you’ll get round to next year or ‘when the time is right’!

THIS is going to be the year...

When we had a room full of people at our Mindset Mastery Retreat a few weeks ago, they were determined to get their 2020 off to the best start yet and to take a quantum leap towards being the best version of themselves. We wanted to coach and support them first and foremost on getting clarity on what their one BIG goal is. Goals are a bit like multitasking - you can of course opt to go after few things but experience tells us that when you focus your time, intention and energy on one creates that laser-like effect which multiplies your chances of success.

Here are some powerful coaching questions that we asked on the day and part of the process we took the guys through - go through this now for a goal that you have if you want to make sure you’re on the right path!

  1. What is the one thing that you want to create this year - the one thing that if you achieve this, it would totally change the game?

  2. Why is this goal important to you - and each time you give an answer, ask yourself why again. Repeat this at least four or five times.

  3. When you have achieved this goal - what will it change in your life and be specific? What will it give you, what will it do for your family, how will it impact your future / health / financial circumstances etc?

  4. What will achieving this goal say about you as a person - be as specific as you can.

  5. Spend a few minutes now, visualising and connecting to the emotional place you will be in and picture how your day is, when your goal is achieved. 

Once you have gone through this, you will have a much clearer idea on whether or not this goal is truly important to you and why - using this strong emotional leverage daily will support you in moving towards your desired outcome. It’s a powerful emotional tool so have a reminder in your phone or visually in your house so you can reconnect to it whenever you want.

Put your energy into something that absolutely is important

You may have decided that actually, you’ve been chasing this goal for all of the wrong reasons, perhaps because it’s what you think you ‘should’ be doing or because it was once important to you but honestly now, it just isn’t any more. This is great! It’s a breakthrough! You can put your energy into something that absolutely is important. Getting clear on what you don’t want takes you a big leap closer to knowing what you do want. 

This is why clarity is so important but often, the step our brain skips. Now you’re clear, work on your steps to making your goal real by having clear actions of how to keep moving towards it. Download your 2020 Big Goal Creator to help you do this with ease - it’s a free resource to support you on your exciting path to success!

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